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Female Fertility

There are a number of different reasons why one may be infertile, including improper nervous system function, poor nutrition, and high stress. At some level, conceiving a baby is considered a stress on the body. Your body knows that if conception occurs, it’s going to have to grow this little human for the next nine months. Your body is smart, and if it perceives the stress as a threat to the mother or fetus, it won’t conceive. It’s almost like a flight or fight mechanism.

  • Starting at about age 32, a woman’s chances of conceiving decrease gradually but significantly.

  • From age 35, the fertility decline speeds up.

  • By age 40, fertility has fallen by half.

  • At 30, the chance of conceiving each month is about 20%. At 40 it’s around 5%.

Lifestyle Recommendations:

• Maintain a healthy weight; avoid being excessively overweight or underweight. • Quit smoking; avoid secondhand smoke and avoid alcohol. • Practice good sleep habits; get between 8-9 hours of sleep each night. • Reduce stress levels as much as possible. Delegate activities if necessary. Take frequent breaks or vacations and participate in relaxation exercises. • Avoid exposure to chemicals including skincare and haircare products such as Grecian Formula, deodorants containing aluminum monohydrate, toxic cleaning products, and high VOC paints, varnishes, and paint thinners. • Engage in smart exercise at least one hour each day – do not overexert.

Dietary Tips and Caveats:

• Choose lean, clean quality protein at each meal such as chicken breast, turkey breast, lean beef, fish (especially salmon and sardines),eggs and whey protein. • Drink plenty of water – urine should be very pale yellow or nearly clear. • Wean off caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners. • Emphasize omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, flaxseeds and chia seeds) and omega-9 fats (olive oil, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, avocados, macadamia nut oil and coconut oil). • Avoid sushi and raw fish; avoid high mercury fish, especially swordfish and orange roughy • If a meat-eater, eat hormone-free, antibiotic-free animal protein • Eat 5-9 servings of fresh organic fruits and vegetables daily • Choose complex carbohydrates (non-starchy vegetables and whole grains) instead of refined and simple carbohydrates. Eliminate refined carbohydrates from the diet (this includes bread, cereal or pasta made with white flour, white rice, white potatoes, sugar, corn syrup, honey and candy). • Limit or avoid trans fatty acids (hydrogenated vegetable oil, margarine and shortening). Cook with olive oil, coconut oil, or macadamia nut oil at low heat. • Avoid neurotoxic compounds like aspartame and MSG.

Chiropractic Care and Fertility

Chiropractic doesn’t cure infertility, it does reduce stress and interference in the body and, more specifically, the nervous system. Chiropractic promotes health from the inside out. Chiropractors most often encourage healthy nutrition, an active lifestyle and frequently guide patients through the process of decreasing other stressors . All of these factors can have a direct effect on one’s ability to conceive. Regular chiropractic care can affect your breathing, blood vessel dilation and digestion. These positive effects may help move a fertilized egg into fallopian tubes. In addition, if one’s pelvis is twisted there can be pressure on reproductive organs that may stress them. There should be some focus on your male partner and adjustments as well. Approximately 40 percent of infertile couples, men are partly or solely contributing. Make your Chiropractic visits a couples wellness treat so both parties are performing the best they should be.

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