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1 in 5 People in the general population suffer from bad breath.

Simply put Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. If quick bad breath fixes are only covering up the problem for a short time, something else may be happening in your body, including: Dental Issues: Cavities and deeper pockets from gum disease give bad breath bacteria extra places to hide in your mouth that are difficult to clear out when you’re brushing or cleaning between your teeth. Either can contribute to halitosis. Mouth, Nose and Throat Infections: According to the Mayo Clinic, nose, sinus and throat issues that can lead to postnasal drip may also contribute to bad breath. Bacteria feeds on mucus your body produces when it’s battling something like a sinus infection, leaving you sniffly and stinky. Dry mouth: Saliva goes a long way for your dental health – and your breath. It rinses and removes unwanted leftovers from your mouth, helps break down food when you eat and provides disease-fighting substances to help prevent cavities and infections. If you don’t make enough saliva, one sign may be halitosis. Dry mouth can be caused by medications, certain medical conditions, alcohol use, tobacco use or excessive caffeine. Smoking and tobacco: Tobacco products wreak havoc on your body and your breath. Not only do many tobacco products leave their own odor on your breath; they can also dry out your mouth. Smokers are also more likely to develop gum disease, which can also add to halitosis. Other chronic conditions: While halitosis is most often linked to something happening in your mouth, it may also be a sign of gastric reflux, diabetes, liver or kidney disease.  

Lifestyle Recommendations:

• Have routine dental exams (twice per year). • Brush teeth after each meal; brush the tongue as well. Floss daily.• Replace sugar with the polyol sugar xylitol; add to toothbrush occasionally to prevent dental caries. • Avoid commercial mouthwashes that contain sodium chlorite and prevent proper microbiome health and balance nitrite production in the mouth; consider instead using essential oils or natural mouthwash. • Quit smoking. • Optimize digestion and assess for H. pylori or other stealth infections, including candida, stomach pH, blood sugar and insulin, structural tone of gastric sphincters, food sensitivities, pernicious anemia, autoimmune diseases, GGT, bilirubin, gallbladder health, and a comprehensive digestive panel including enzymatic function, and other stool markers for microbial composition, fat absorption, colonic health, and inflammatory markers. • Consider a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea.

Dietary Tips and Caveats:

• Limit sugar and avoid white flour products, soy and fried foods; avoid allergenic foods like wheat and dairy products that can increase mucus production; low carbohydrate diets may assist with improvement of symptoms. • Avoid sodas and fruit juices. • Do not rush meals. Thoroughly chew food and take time to enjoy each bite. • Eat an abundance of fresh herbs like fennel and parsley. • Consider increasing consumption of organic fresh fruits and green vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables that supply beneficial isothiocyanates (or their precursor glucosinolates) and the stimulation of the bitter receptors to modulate healthy gut bacteria.

How Chiropractic Can Help?

People who have a misaligned spine are more likely to suffer from Halitosis. A misaligned spine can interfere with the way that the spine communicates with the glands, tissues, and organs. 

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